Transformation of Poultry Production from a rural sector activity to intensive Industrial scale activity during the latter half of 20th Century has led to India emerging as a major Poultry Producer of the World, both for Eggs and Broilers. Radical changes in production methodology have led to a sea change in the Production scenario. Relevant factors have concurrently led to concentration of Poultry Production in various parts of the country; and unbridled traffic of poultry birds, eggs, and chicks across the country. Whilst, in overall terms this has led to a monumental increase in Poultry Production and efficiencies, it has rendered Poultry Populations increasingly susceptible to transmission of infectious diseases; notwithstanding such bio-security measures as are commonly employed and are practical in the ground scenario of India. Importation of Poultry stocks, whilst improving productivity also in its wake adds to the complexity of the Poultry health scenario.
As a consequence whereas in the early 60s Poultry Flocks in India were essentially exposed to only two Diseases Ranikhet (Newcastle), and Fowl Pox, over the years a host of Poultry Diseases have now become endemic to the Indian Poultry Scenario. The list of diseases and variants keeps growing notwithstanding the much improved bio- security measures that are being increasingly adopted. Poultry Production scenario in India ranges from environmentally controlled mechanised farms to elementary poultry farming units.
That there would be a price to be paid for this progressive shift from dispersed Household Production Units in rural areas, populated by whatever relatively low producing stocks that were then available in India, to deployment of highly productive poultry stocks imported from Developed Countries, concentration of poultry populations, and industrialisation of Poultry Production was self-evident. And this manifested in a disastrous manner with the outbreak of Marek’s Disease across the country in the 70s – a disease that was till then totally unknown in India. Poultry flocks and farms the country over were uncontrollably devastated.
Importation of Marek’s Disease vaccine thus became an inescapable imperative. With restriction on Imports, and the Government Policy to minimise the outgo of Foreign Exchange, there was an evident need for establishing a Poultry Vaccine Production Unit in India. Venkateshwara Hatcheries responded to this opportunity, making it not only the first but the only Organisation in India which apart from other vaccines could provide an effective vaccine against Marek’s Disease.
Increasing restrictions on imports and near total dependence on only one production entity in India led Keggfarms to conceptualise Indovax. The intended purpose of establishing Indovax was to make available to the Indian Poultry Farming Community not only Marek’s Vaccine but also other Vaccines that were required against other prevalent Diseases and against those that may occur in course of time.
Vineland Laboratories, USA with its wide range of contemporary Vaccines was considered an appropriate Partner for this venture not only to produce Vaccines in India but also to supply Vaccines which were then not produced in India but might be needed.
The purposefulness of this Vision was more than fully demonstrated by the effective manner in which Indovax played a leading role in mid 90’s to bring under control devastating outbreaks of yet another exotic disease in India – Gumboro Disease.
Since its inception in the late 80s, the range of Vaccines produced at its now WHO Certified Plant near Hisar, Haryana, located in a poultry free zone has grown manifold. The Company now not only produces Live Vaccines against a host of current Poultry diseases but it also produces Inactivated Vaccines for a wide range of diseases. Indovax also exports Vaccines to several countries in Africa, South Asia and to Nepal. It also supports production of Poultry Vaccines in Bangladesh. The Company continues to extend its range of products and markets.
Widespread operations of Indovax are supported by a captive State-of-Art SPF Production Unit, Immunetic Private Limited; and a sophisticated Laboratory manned by an experienced science team which concentrates on Product Development and relevant science services.
Though the Company’s association with Vineland Laboratories came to a closure in 2000, the Vision and Mission of Indovax has remained unaltered. To Produce, Develop, Procure and Supply effective and safe Vaccines to Indian Poultry Community and to Developing Countries of Asia and Africa.